Sunday, March 2, 2014

Remembering SarahRemembering Sarah by Chris Mooney
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Chris Mooney's "Remembering Sarah" is an entertaining thriller. It may seem callous to use the word "entertaining" to describe a book whose protagonist, Mike, has been grieving for five years after losing his only daughter, a six year old Sarah, to a serial child abuser, yet we are routinely entertained by books about murder, evisceration, cannibalism, etc.

Many threads of the plot are superfluous - their only purpose is to confuse the reader, which is perfectly fine. There is not much psychological depth in the novel and the characterizations, except for Mike's and one or two other people, are thin, yet the writing is competent, and the book feels only a little bit overwrought.

The denouement is logical, clever, and not too contrived. "Remembering Sarah" is a good read. I am looking forward to reading other books (hopefully stand-alones) by Chris Mooney.

Three and a half stars.

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